I am rencently trying to organize my website and all the research project. Also doing a lot of literature review and brainstorming recently. Sometimes I write it done in the papers, sometimes I just read it and easily forget it in 1 day and the most convenient way is starting to wrte study notes in Latex. I use Latex to write papers, so if I write it in the Latex, it will be easy for me to reformatting it to a paper. However, inspired by Dr.Sylvain Deville's blog "The Automated Academic", I think maybe I could be a cool "geek" as him, let me try to use Jupyter notebook! Beside the resources he metioned in the blog, can I try to writedown my ideas in the iPhone? The answer is "Yes!". I found out an IOS app called "Juno". I haven't used it yet, but seems pretty cool.
I know that you can directly download the jupyter notebook as a html file, but it does not combined well with my website. How can I just embed a Jupyter notebook in a small part of my website page? I found out this blog page: "jupyter notebooks in blog" and then modified a little bit myself:
<div class="cell border-box-sizing text_cell rendered"><div class="prompt input_prompt">